We appreciate your courtesy in letting us know the reason when your child is absent from school. A brief note or telephone call is all that is necessary. After a prolonged absence (3-5 days) a doctor’s certificate may be requested. If your child is absent for any reason please ring the school on 6288 1110 before 9.15am or you may leave a message on the answering machine before 8am. The Principal, admin staff or Social Worker may contact parents of students with high, unexplained or unacceptable reasons for absenteeism.
Assemblies are held twice each term for classes to share work, students to receive certificates and for information to be communicated. The assemblies are held in the General Purpose Room commencing at 2:10pm for all Kinder to Grade 6 students. A special Presentation Assembly will be held during December. Parents are most welcome to attend our assemblies.
The early years are a critical time for child development and future school/life success. Our school offers two early years programs. Parents are encouraged to be active participants in these programs and develop skills, confidence and expertise to act as co-teachers of their children at home.
Launching into Learning Program is for parents/carers and their birth to pre-Kinder children. It is held weekly each Thursday from 9:00am to 10:45am, commencing the third week of term 1. Mrs Rebecca Jenkins is the coordinator of this program.
Pre Kinder Program is for children who will be entering Kindergarten in the following year and is held on Tuesdays from 9:00 am – 10:45am during Term 4. Ms Ingrid Bull is the coordinator of this program. However, the Kinder teacher and Kinder Aide will also be involved in the program.
Emergency contacts for each child are kept on file at the school. It is important that these contact details are kept up to date in regard to changes in address, telephone numbers, doctor, place of employment, etc. Please inform the office of any changes
Each month, a newsletter is distributed to the eldest child of each family. It contains important information of coming events and communication from the Principal addressing various topics. The newsletter is distributed in hard copy and available electronically via email by request, and the school’s website.
Parents/carers are encouraged to be involved in school life through a parent help program whereby parents or carers or relatives and friends come to assist students and teachers as required. All volunteers must have a Working with Vulnerable Card which an be purchased through Service Tas.
Reports will be sent to families at the following times
End Term 1: Progress Report (a tick box report on attitudes, effort and behaviour)
and Parent/Teacher interviews
End Term 2: Mid-Year (a comprehensive report) and Parent/Teacher interviews
End Term 4: End of Year (a brief, summative report)
The School Association is an elected body consisting of parents, teachers, community members and the Principal. The School Association sets the overall policy directions, priorities and budget settings of our school. The Association meets regularly during the year. Copies of the current Constitution are available from the School Office.
The school strives to communicate with parents, families and the community in as many ways as possible in order to ensure the fostering of an informed, engaged and active community around our school. We only publish work or photos of students on these sites where parents have signed the permission to publish section of the validation form.
We utilise the following social media platforms that families and the community can access:
All students, staff, parents and community representatives, have the right to feel safe and to be respected and encouraged to reach their full potential.
School expectations have been formulated in consultation with the School Association to promote positive behaviours and ensure Westerway Primary builds and maintains high standards and displays a positive school image within the school and across the local and wider communities. These expectations align with our Westerway Bees of being respectful, being kind, being a learner and being careful.
It is important that we foster a positive culture at the school to promote an environment in which students excel, work collaboratively, respect others’ feelings and views and feel a sense of belonging.
Students who make poor choices are accountable for their actions. Parents will be notified on most occasions when students make a very poor decision and be invited to work in partnership with the school to develop positive behaviours with their children. We use restorative practices to resolve issues and correct behaviours.
We take a strong stand against bullying and harassment and work to support anyone who feels they have been bullied, as well as supporting change and development in those who may be participating in bullying or bystander behaviour.
Please see the Westerway Primary School Respectful Student Behaviour Policy for more detailed information.
Please advise the school if your child suffers from any allergies, particularly if your child is allergic to nuts or eggs. It is very important that students do not share any food brought to school. Our school is an asthma friendly school. Students with asthma should have an asthma medical action plan, which includes information about their medication. See “Medication” below for more information.
Students who choose to ride a bike, scooter or skateboard to school must wear appropriate protective gear. Students must dismount as soon as they enter school grounds and walk their bike, scooter or skateboard to the school bike rack or their classroom.
There is limited car park space within school grounds and this is reserved for staff only. Parents are requested to be mindful of students’ safety when parking near the school and to observe bus zones. We ask that parents do not park in the bus zone at any time outside the school due to safety reasons.
All students should use the flagged pedestrian crossing at the front of the school to increase their safety.
On occasion children become sick or are injured at school. Our First Aid Officer will administer basic first aid as required and phone the parent if necessary. In the event further treatment is considered necessary, parents/carers will be contacted to collect their child from school and take them home or to a doctor. Major injuries and emergencies will be dealt with in line with Department of Education risk management guidelines.
Parents are asked to contact the class teacher and/or office in cases where children contract communicable diseases (COVID, chickenpox, conjunctivitis, head lice, German measles, hand/foot and mouth, measles, mumps, slap cheek and school sores). Once notified, the school can then offer further information and advice on the requirements regarding the length of absence from school.
Recommended minimum exclusion periods for COVID, chickenpox, conjunctivitis and head lice are listed below:
Your child will be required to remain at home for 7 days as per Department of Health current guidelines.
Your child needs to be at home until at least five days after the last spot appears. Notify the school.
Your child will need to be at home until the eye is treated by a doctor and the discharge from the eye has ceased. Notify the school.
Head lice
Your child needs to stay at home until treated with the recommended lotion. Following the initial treatment students may return to school, however treatment should be continued by applying conditioner to the hair and combing with a fine toothed comb regularly each day until all eggs are removed from the hair.
If your child requires regular medical or health care that must be carried out during school hours a Medical Action Plan must be completed. Parents/carers should be aware that the Department of Education requires a signed authority from parents/carers for all medication and a signed authority by a medical practitioner for all prescribed medication before school staff are able to administer medications. Further information and forms are available from the school office.
Students are permitted to bring mobile phones to school. However, they must be switched off and handed into the school office and not taken out until after school.
The school cannot accept responsibility for lost or damaged property. We request that students do not bring electronic equipment, iPads, mobile phones (see above) or other expensive items to school. Lost property which is found is handed into the office or returned to the student. Parents/carers are requested to ensure that all items of students’ clothing, lunch and drink containers and other property are clearly marked with the student’s name.
Parents are asked to ensure that you provide your child/ren with a piece of fruit for mid-morning break, a nutritious snack for recess and a healthy lunch each day. This should include a drink – preferably water. Lollies, gum and fizzy drinks are not permitted.
Parents of children walking to and from school are requested to reinforce road safety rules to their children. Students are requested to use the school crossing to cross the road during school hours.
Smoking is strictly prohibited on school premises, including buildings and school grounds.
All students are expected to wear a school sun hat during day light saving periods in Terms 1 and 4 when the sun’s ultra violet rays are most harmful. This applies each day during this period, regardless of the weather. Bucket hats and wide brimmed hats are available to purchase from the office at a cost of $13 and it is expected that hats will remain at school during the week.
The Derwent Valley Council conduct vaccinations at the school for grade 6 students who have provided parent/carer consent. Advance notice will be sent home to parents/carers providing details re date/time/authorisation, etc.